VANCARE Sit to Stand Patient Lifts reduce the risk of back injuries to care staff, which in turn minimizes your exposure to worker’s compensation claims and increased liability insurance premiums.

They are designed to safely and comfortably transfer a person who lacks the strength or mobility to rise from one seated position and move to another on their own. VANCARE offers a wide array of models including ones that reduce the risk of injury to caregivers transferring people weighing up to 800 lbs.

Every one of Vancare’s sit-to-stand lifts is a shining example of their commitment to providing the finest technologies and service to Safe Patient Handling professionals.
Reduces back injuries among nursing staff which cause lost work days, worker’s compensation claims, and liability insurance premiums.
In most cases, the resident can be transferred from a seated to a standing position by one staff member.
Keep your patient lifts safe, SMI provides patient and sling inspections…read more about this program by clicking here.
VanWalker 400
Safe and secure walking and standing training, a unique solution for early mobilization.
Vanwalker 400 offers safe and secure support for the patient during walking and standing training. It has been developed for patient with impaired leg strength and balance. Four easy rolling casters provide for smooth movement on any flat floors.

Helps transfer people with poor balance and impaired strength
VanMove is an active transfer and transport aid, designed for users with poor balance and reduced lower limb strength. Users will need a degree of arm strength and standing function in order to actively participate in the transfer. VanMove is an ideal aid for users who can raise themselves to an upright, or semi-upright position to be transferred. VanMove can also be used as a turning device to transfer the user from bed to chair or similar positions. Weight capacity is 375 lbs.

VANCARE® VERA™ V350, V600 & V800
- V350 (350 lb capacity), V600 (600 lb capacity), V800 (800 lb capacity)
- Bariatric Models
- Heavy-duty frame available in light blue, White Hammertone or Vancare Purple powder coat
- Magnetic hand-held control secures anywhere on lift
- Auxiliary toe-operated control
- Rechargeable 24 Volt DC electronic system features a low-battery indicator
- Slip-resistant foot plate offers two adjustable height positions
- Knee pad is mounted in the optimum position for the comfort of the resident/patient
- Optional VeraScale, weighs residents/patients
- Complies with all applicable federal and state regulations (i.e. OSHA, UL2601-1, UL60601-1)
- MET/NRTL LISTED in Accordance with UL-544 Third Edition

VANCARE® VERA™ II B350, B450, B600
- B350 (350 lb capacity), B450 (450 lb capacity), B600 (600 lb capacity)
- Bariatric Models
- Tip-resistant, dual-purpose lift allows for standing pivot and seated position transfers and is easy to maneuver in tight places.
- Heavy-duty frame available in Purple powder coat
- Magnetic hand-held control secures anywhere on lift
- Auxiliary toe-operated control
- Removable, & rechargeable 24 Volt DC electronic system features a low-battery indicator
- Optional wall-mounted battery charging station allows for 24-hour service.
- Slip-resistant foot plate offers two adjustable height positions
- Knee pad is mounted in the optimum position for the comfort of the resident/patient
- Optional VeraScale, weighs residents/patients. Models 350S comes with built in VeraScale
- Optional Intellipac for keeping track of use and service
- Comfortable, durable back belts are easy to clean. The sitting position sling helps transfer residents who cannot bear weight
- Complies with all applicable federal and state regulations (i.e. OSHA)

Minnesota OSHA states that skilled nursing care facilities are required to have a safe-patient-handling (SPH) committee… more here
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