Cubi-Trac® has long been considered the premier hospital cubicle curtain track line of North America. From a single track system for a doctor’s office to equipping an entire heath care complex, we handle it all.
Offering a full line of hospital cubicle tracks, track components, cubicle curtains and IV support systems, we’re your one stop source for cubicle equipment.
ADC does not subscribe to the concept of “pre-sized” systems and curtains that you have to make fit to your application. Rather they manufacture everything to your specifications and with your fabric choices, all in the USA. Need a custom curve? No problem they factory curve cubicle track to just about any configuration imaginable. Want to use a special fabric for your curtains? No problem, they sew the curtains in their factory too, and they deal with most of the fabric mills in the U.S., so they can sew and deliver those custom curtains quickly. We can supply curtains with or without mesh, double sided, lined or fabric backed.

You spent a lot time, energy and money designing and building your health care facility, choose cubicle systems that reflect your passion for quality, choose ADC Cubi-Trac® systems.
We service the complete state of Minnesota.
ADC cubicle and shower curtains are available in an attractive selection of fabrics and colors. All meet Federal non-flammability standards.

Flameproof curtains shall be of “Staph-Chek Linen” material, a polyester reinforced dual antibacterial vinyl laminated fabric and shall be inherently flame retardant, bacteriostatic and stain resistant for the life of the fabric. Staph-Chek Linen curtains do not include a bottom hem.
Flameproof curtains shall be of 100% “Polyester” material and shall be inherently and permanently flame resistant for the life of the fabric.
The top 18 inches shall contain No. 50 1/2 inch open weave mesh with 1 1/2 inch top hem triple thickness and 1 1/2 inch side hems double thickness consisting of No. 42 mesh double-stitched to the No. 50 mesh for reinforcing. Rustproof grommets shall be spaced on 6 inch centers in the top hem. Bottom hem shall consist of 1 inch of plain binding tape double-stitched to the No. 50 mesh and curtain body.

CUBI-TRAC Model 110 is a silver anodized 16 gauge aluminum track system expressly designed to subdivide bed areas in hospitals, convalescent homes and clinics.

The track channel can be factory curved on a 12 inch radius to almost any layout desired and is used interchangeably in ceiling mounted and suspended installations.The two-wheeled carriers incorporate an exclusive “bumper- to- bumper” feature which prevents the wheels of one carrier from impeding the movement of adjoining carriers. The carriers also are equipped with a combination swivel-hook for increased durability and ease of operation. Carrier spacing is 6 inches on center.
Contact us today for more information: 507-247-3742 or sales@southernminnesotainspection.com
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