The American Association for Safe Patient Handling & Movement (AASPHM), through the CDC, has established and published guidelines for patient lifts and patient slings. The AASPHM requires the maintenance and annual inspection of all safe patient moving equipment within a licensed healthcare facility. Preventive maintenance and prompt repair of improperly functioning equipment will facilitate the use of lifting equipment.
- Implement a routine maintenance program to ensure equipment is kept in good working order (the maintenance program should include tagout and repair procedures for broken equipment)
- At regular, documented intervals as decided by a risk assessment made by a ‘competent’ person assigned by the facility or organization. Inspections should be based upon frequency of use and sling manufacturer’s recommendation.
- At regular, documented intervals as part of a routine maintenance program. Inspections should be based upon frequency of use and lift manufacturer’s recommendations The facility or organization should establish a system for regular cleaning, disinfection, , and upgrade of SPHM technology that includes hanger bars and slings. A thorough inspection at regular, documented intervals as decided by a risk assessment should be made by a ‘competent’ person assigned by the facility or organization. Inspections should be based upon a) frequency of use and b) sling and lift manufacturer’s recommendations, if any. Based upon frequency of use and lift manufacturer’s recommendations.
- A process should be established by the ‘competent person’ for removal of defective, damaged, and/or malfunctioning hanger bars and/or slings from service and for notification of such to healthcare workers.
- The facility or organization should prepare an inventory that tracks the purchase of SPHM technology including patient lifts and patient slings. For each sling purchased, the inventory may document a) date of purchase b) date of first use c) date of periodic sling inspection by “competent person” assigned by the facility or organization.
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